Photo Gallery
Photos from our group.

Group picture in Bochum.
Christmas in Bochum

Photos of the group christmas party in Bochum.
Master Thesis Wietze Koops

Wietze Koops wins two awards for his Master thesis: the KHMW Jong Talent Afstudeerprijs en BNAIC/BeNeLearn Best Thesis Award.
Inaugural Lecture Nils Jansen

Photos from Nils Jansens inauguration at Ruhr-University Bochum
Oxford 2024

Eline Bovy (left) and Maris Galesloot (right) presenting their work at a visit to Dave Parker and Nick Hawes in Oxford.
PhD Defense Dennis Gross

Group photo after the PhD Defense of Dennis Gross.
Group Meeting Bochum

Group photo at a visit to Nils' new offices in Bochum.
BNAIC 2023

Eline Bovy received the best thesis award at BNAIC 2023 in Delft, The Netherlands.
AISoLA 2023

Merlijn Krale (left) and Marnix Suilen (right) presenting their work at AISoLA 2023 in Greece.
Interdisciplinary Research Platform Voucher

Thom Badings receives the Interdisciplinary Research Platform (IRP) voucher for the project ORLEANS: Offline Reinforcement Learning for Sustainable Transportation at Sea.
ESSAI 2023

Eline Bovy, Maris Galesloot, and Merlijn Krale attending the ESSAI 2023 summer school.
Dinner Nijmegen

Group dinner to celebrate the new position of Thiago D. Simão.